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It's not rocket science, we need an income to live. Have you thought about how you and your family would cope if you were signed off work due to accident or injury? Although most families believe they could survive 5 months without one of the household incomes, studies show with current spending habits this is more likely to be 1 month.


For most of us, statutory sick pay would be insufficient to cover our mortgage payment, let alone council tax, utility bills, food & travel.

Income protection is a policy you can put in place to protect your income, if you are signed off work by a GP the policy will pay you a tax free monthly income until the end of the policy term if you do not recover, you retire or until death. You can have income protection if you are employed or self-employed.  The policies are set to cover a proportion of your earnings, Hope Mortgage Solutions will discuss the most suitable level of cover with you based on your current earnings, any other income coming into the household and your essential monthly expenditure.

See our info graphic: Do I need Income Protection? 

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